Client Background

  • Our client for this project is an Australian icon within the food manufacturing industry.
  • This proud Australian company has operations in New South Wales, Victoria and New Zealand.

Project Overview

Chocolate pipelines are by very nature, big and bulky, due to the double insulating/ hot water jacketing that provided the thermal input to allow the liquid chocolate mass to flow easily. With the brief to provide aesthetics, clean design and to work around confided spaces/ big pieces of plant. It was decided to run all pipework out of eye line and in most cases through the ceiling cavities within the manufacturing. Dropping the pipes through the roof bulkheads, just above the required processing equipment. The work was very time consuming, and even though the work was out of site, the installation had to be to exacting standards for food safety, maintenance inspections, fault finding, and cleaning & pigging access.


The pipe work was hand built in location using food grade stainless, double sleeved with hygienic couplings and fittings. All pipework was inspected, and pressure tested for leakage, prior to being cleaned and sanitised for installation. Over 200meters of pipework was installed from melting room, to processing plant. Pipework was dropped though the roof bulkhead with protective food grade glanding techniques. On completion, the pipework was thermally lagged, to reduce heat loss.

Benefits / Outcome

Clean and hygienic design, linear pipe runs with minimum bends and restrictions, easy to clean and inspect joints/ couplings. Due to the overall design, energy savings of 5 – 10% per annum were achieved due to limited pressure drop losses for the pumps, and reduce thermal losses for jacketing water systems due to reduce joints/ couplings and lagged pipework.

Reduced Energy Consumption


Delivered On Time

100% Customer Satisfaction